What Is a Fundal Fibroid?

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According to Dr. W. David Stinson, fundal fibroids are fibroids that are located in the fundus, which is the top of the uterus. While fibroids can be found anywhere in the uterus, fundal fibroids are the type that occur most frequently. Fibroids are the formation of fibrous connective tissues that make up a mass of cells, resulting in a lump or tumor. These tumors are benign.

MedicineNet states that fibroids are stimulated by estrogen in the body and produce symptoms of pelvic pain and pressure, bladder pressure and rectal pressure. Some fibroids can even cause obstruction of the bladder and rectum.

Life Extension states that a uterine fibroid can affect 20 to 30 percent of women by the age of 40. Over 50 percent of women develop a uterine fibroid at some point in their lives. More African American women develop fibroids than Caucasian women although the reason this occurs isn’t known.

MedicineNet lists treatment options for fundal fibroids as surgery, medications and doing nothing at all. Some women don’t experience symptoms, and their fibroids never become bothersome, while others must opt for treatment. Low dose oral contraceptives are sometimes enough to keep the fibroid from growing. They treat the abnormal bleeding that occurs with fibroids, but they don’t shrink the tumors.