What Are the Fascist Countries Today?

There are no countries considered fascist today, according to generally accepted definitions of fascism. There are several countries with significant, active fascist or neo-fascist movements with some representation in national politics. Countries with fascist elements and ideologies present in their governments include Syria, Bulgaria, Armenia, Venezuela, Bolivia, France, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Ukraine, the Netherlands and Hungary.

In 2014, France’s Front National and the Danish People’s Party in Denmark received more than 25 percent of their respective country’s votes, electing several members to the European Parliament. In Greece and Hungary, the fascist groups Golden Dawn and Jobbik have significant membership. The regime of Syrian Bashar al-Assad is considered by many to be fascist in nature, given its emphasis on protecting the state from internal and external enemies and the government’s rampant use of violence against its own citizens.

There is much variation among definitions of fascism, but all definitions include at least four general principles. Fascism places absolute power in the state, with the state having priority over individuals, Fascism involves the use of force as a demonstration of strength. A strict and rigid social hierarchy is required for maintenance of a fascist state. Fascism is further characterized by the presence of an authoritarian leader. Fascist movements are nationalist and right-wing in nature.