What Is a Family of Procreation?

The family of procreation is a family type in which humans recreate themselves. This family is formed through marriage and by having or adopting children. The family of procreation is one of two types described by sociologist Robertson, the other type being a family of orientation.The family of orientation is one that a person is born into and in which early socialization takes place.
A family is described as a combination of meanings and relationships. They are permanent groups of people that are related by ancestry, adoption or marriage. They care for the young, live together and form an economic unit. Two groups that describe family structure and function are the fundamentalists and the conflict theorists.
Fundamentalists have viewed families as providing several universal functions to a society. These functions include the regulation of sexual behavior, replacement of members, socialization, care and protection, social placement, social status, affection and emotional support. Conflict theorists argue that the fundamentalist perspective on families contributes to inequality and societal injustice. Examples of these injustices cited include fewer opportunities for women than men, dominance of men over women, violence in the family and limited freedom in sexual expression and mate selection.
Several factors are thought to be contributing to the decline of the family, including stress, the changing roles of women, sexual permissiveness and the fading notion of romantic love.