What Are Examples of Subtopics in an Essay?
The subtopic of an essay is a topic that supports the main topic of the essay and helps to bolster its credibility. An example of a subtopic in an essay about transitioning to a new school might be difficulty making new friends or learning what each teacher expects.
Essays with subtopics typically follow a standard format. Taking the example one step further, the first paragraph for an essay entitled “My Journey Transitioning to a New High School” would need to have an introductory sentence with 1 to 3 subtopic sentences that tell readers what the essay will be about as well as a concluding sentence.
From here, the writer would move on to the second paragraph where the first subtopic sentence would be explored. In this paragraph or possibly set of paragraphs, there should be three to five different example sentences that lend support to the subtopic sentence. This should be repeated for each paragraph. Then the writer should close with a concluding paragraph that sums up all of the subtopic ideas as well as the overall topic.
Most essays benefit from writers who have a clear understanding of what it is they want to share and how they feel about it. Essay writers should have an opinion about what they are writing. Before writing the essay itself, many universities and secondary schools recommend creating an outline.