What Are Examples of Mannerisms?

Examples of mannerisms are found in a person’s gestures and speech patterns. Mannerisms include suspicion, defensiveness, nervousness, frustration, confidence and cooperation.

A suspicious person will often make gestures that include crossed arms and sideways glances. Other people can read into these body language gestures to decide the person’s mannerism. A person who is defensive may cross their arms or stand in a rigid position because they are ready to defend themselves at any time. Crossed legs and clenched fists are also signs that a person has a defensive mannerism. Chewing a pen, biting fingernails, putting the hands in a pocket and fidgeting are all signs that a person may have a nervous mannerism.

People who have confident mannerism may keep their hands in a steeple position or keep their hands behind their back while standing upright. This is an open position that shows the world that the person has nothing to hide. A person with a cooperative mannerism will have hands that are open and will often sit on the edge of a chair. Cooperative people may also sit with their upper body and torso leaning more forward than the rest of their body, as if they are ready to run in a situation.