What Are Examples of Humanistic Theory?

Examples of humanistic theory include the need for self-actualization, focusing on the present moment and family discussions about family relationships. The belief that all individuals in the world share the same basic needs is another prominent example of humanistic theory.

Humanist theory holds that individuals should be moving toward self-actualization by discovering what they feel is missing from their lives and seeking that thing. While the thing that is missing may be very different for different people, humanist theory holds that the act of seeking it can be a major part of psychological treatment for that person.

Focusing on the present moment is a major aspect of humanist theory, and it is a component of gestalt therapy. This therapy encourages the individual not to be depressed or discouraged by people or events in their past.

Humanist theory is concerned with intra-family relationships and encourages family members to speak with one another regarding their relationships. This helps make the relationships stronger and can be a vital tool when families are experiencing emotional hardship.

One of the major components of humanist theory is that individuals worldwide share the same basic needs. By encouraging belief in the similarity of all humanity, humanist theory encourages empathy and a deeper respect for human interaction.