What Is an Example of Interpretative Reading?

An example of interpretative reading would be a student reading a poem aloud to the rest of the class in a way that the class starts to imagine the action happening right in front of them even though it is not. Another example of interpretative reading would be a person reading out loud a passage from a popular novel in such a way that it makes it seem as though the action is occurring in front of the audience.

Interpretive reading is when a person reads aloud from a written literary script in a way that makes it feel as though it is being performed though the person is not performing the script. The audience must imagine the action happening rather than seeing it in front of them. Interpretive readers will use vocal and physical cues to help convey the action that the script suggests.

Interpretive readers will not kneel or move more than approximately 1 foot in any direction. They do not wear costuming or make sets for the performance. While interpretive reading shares similarities with dramatic reading, it is not the same thing. The interpretive reader must find unique ways to convey emotions, feelings, ideas, moods, sounds and smells. If done well, the interpretive reader can make the audience feel as though they are experiencing a vivid memory or moment.