How Does Education Affect Your Life?

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Chances are you’ve heard someone say that education is the foundation of our future — or some variation of that phrase. After all, an education is meant to prepare students for the future and, as such, the type of education and quality of education they receive creates a kind of foundation on which that future is built. 

No matter what level of education you have, it will have impact on your life. The real question, of course, is how will it shape your life? Well, there are multiple benefits to acquiring an education — even kindergarten has the ability to change one’s life. Here, we’ll outline exactly why education is so important and how it can improve one’s overall quality of life. 

How Does Education Help You in Life?

The experience that children, students, and adults gain from learning is one of the most positive effects of education at any level. Through education, learners have access to a wide range of new opportunities in all areas of life. 

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Getting an education gives you an array of new experiences and knowledge, and, in turn, those things often improve your life in many ways. Some of those changes are subtle, while others are far more obvious. For example, gaining knowledge and acquiring new experiences can impact your level of confidence, broaden your perspective and boost your social abilities. 

Let’s take a look at the impacts of education in more depth, such as how education affects your overall health, how it impacts society, and even how it affects income levels. But first thing’s first — why do we need education, anyway?

Importance of Education

A good educational system is essential for shaping the future of society. It’s a fundamental part of our lives. Without education, no matter how big or small, people wouldn’t be able to grow and become the best versions of themselves. Education allows us to gain more information, which helps us make better personal and business decisions. It expands our world and allows us to develop and express our thoughts.

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A good educational system shapes a child into a fully functioning adult, armed with the knowledge gained during their years in school. The world becomes their oyster, and what they want to do with it is up to them. Without education, a person doesn’t develop a sufficient self-dependency or sense of self. Without education, individuals would end up missing out on far more than knowledge. 

How Does Education Affect Health?

Mental Health

Taking advantage of various educational opportunities improves your self-esteem, which can greatly affect your mental health. While it’s important to note that education isn’t the key to navigating mental illness, for example, it can help boost an individual’s confidence. In turn, that helps one grow, self-advocate, broaden their perspective, and more. For children, education can help them socialize, learn more about teamwork, and discover a sense of self, in addition to these other benefits. Moreover, cognitively stimulating activities are essential for brain health

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Physical Health

By learning about the importance of healthy habits, people gain knowledge on how to take care of and improve their physical health. Studies have proven that educating people about both physical and mental health can empower them to advocate for their health, needs, and more. 

In many schools, physical education helps children learn about the importance of incorporating movement into their days. Historically, physical education wasn’t widespread in the U.S., but that changed in the 1950s. Nowadays, it’s an important part of many school days; not only does a physical education class help people stay active, but it also allows them to explore their passions and interests.

How Does Education Impact Society?

Social Impacts

Education shapes society’s collective knowledge. When knowledge is shared and education is made more accessible, individuals are able to more effectively contribute to the well-being of their communities. President Franklin D.Roosevelt once said that, “The real safeguard of democracy… is education.” In this sense, education — both the knowledge it imparts and the confidence it instills — can help individuals develop their own thoughts, points of view, and critical eye. 

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”

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Economical Impacts

Education impacts the economy tremendously. By learning more and gaining more skills, you’re improving your career prospects. Theoretically, when you do well, you also increase your salary. Education also provides people with the knowledge needed to use the advanced technology that makes labor faster and more efficient. This, in exchange, positively impacts economic growth. Additionally, reports have shown that a well-educated workforce is often more productive, in part because they feel confident in their abilities. 

How Does Education Affect Income Levels?

As you grow older and gain more knowledge in your field, education is one of the factors that increases your earning potential. Having a degree or a relevant certification can make you stand out to potential employers, and, in many cases, companies will be willing to pay more when an employee has a higher education. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, college graduates earn 61% more than those that never attended college.

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Of course, people often think of traditional academics when they think of education, but acquiring skills or learning a trade is also an essential form of education. For example, if a company needs skilled labor, they will often pay more for someone that doesn’t require any training and already holds the necessary knowledge, which they may have acquired at a trade or vocational school. 

At any level, education exposes people to new knowledge, perspectives and ideas. There’s no limit to what you can learn — and the more you learn, the better you can use that knowledge to your advantage.