How Do You Download Smart Notebook 11 Software for Free?

Because Smart Notebook is a copyrighted product of Smart Technologies, it is not possible to download it for free legally. Acquiring a copyrighted application for free counts as software piracy and is a punishable crime. However, the company offers a free trial that users can convert to the full version without losing data.

As of January 2016, teachers who acquire Smart Notebook illegally may receive fines up to $93,500 and prison time of up to five years. If an educational institution commits the crime, the fines can go up to $467,500. The court can also rule that the offending party must pay for the damages done to Smart Technologies in profits and cover all court costs.

To purchase a legitimate license key for Smart Notebook, teachers can call 800-452-4796 and talk to a Smart Technologies representative. Alternatively, the company’s website features a search tool that detects the user’s location and finds the nearby resellers. Smart Technologies does not sell license keys online.

Teachers can try the software by clicking Download on the top right of the Smart Tech website, and then clicking Trial. The free trial lasts for 90 days. Teachers can then enter a legitimate license key to activate the software. Smart Notebook is available for both Windows and Mac OS X systems. However, Smart Notebook 11 is no longer available, as 15.2 is the latest version.

The company warns that the software requires at least 2GB of RAM, 2.5GB of storage space and an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU or better. Smart Notebook is compatible with Windows 7 and newer, and Mac OS X 10.9.x or newer. Smart recommends the KB2670838 update for Windows users.