What Are the Different Types of Car Batteries?

Car batteries are classified into various types, including wet or flooded batteries, calcium-calcium batteries, valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries, deep cycle batteries, and lithium ion batteries, according to CarsDirect. The wet battery is a popular because of its low price.
Wet batteries are designed with freely suspended plates that are insulated from one another, states CarsDirect. The batteries do not require maintenance or gas replacement. They contain fluids that are usable until the batteries die.
Calcium-calcium batteries contain a calcium alloy found on plates with different charges, says CarsDirect. The calcium decreases fluid loss and slows the self-discharge rate. However, there is a possibility of severely damaging the battery if it is overcharged.
VRLA batteries contain pressurized safety valves on a battery box, explains CarsDirect. They mix and produce water by holding gas in the battery, enabling the batteries to prevent fluid loss. The two primary designs of the VRLA batteries are the AGM batteries, which use absorbed glass matt, and the GEL batteries, which use silicon to create a more solid, gel-like acid.
Deep cycle batteries generate power for a long period, as they have thicker plates that improve the capacity charge, notes CarsDirect. However, they are not commonly used for cars due to their high discharge rate. Lithium ion batteries make vehicles more fuel efficient, and they are often used in electric cars.