What Are the Differences Between the Jewish and Christian Religions?

The biggest difference between the Jewish and Christian religions is their perception of Jesus. While Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, Jewish people believe he was a teacher or possibly a prophet.

Whereas Christians believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, Jewish people generally maintain that he was the product of a normal birth. Jews also deny that there was a resurrection of Christ and the belief that he is coming back. While both Christians and Jews believe that Jesus was crucified, Jewish people deny that his death was necessary. Christians believe that Jesus’s death was necessary to save mankind from sin.

Christianity is viewed as being a misinterpretation of Judaism by Jews. Other differences between the Christian and Jewish people are minute and relate to how they worship. For instance, Christians believe in baptism and communion. Jews observe the Sabbath, wearing tallits and prayer services. During services, Jewish people tend to cover their heads, while Christians do not wear coverings. Christmas is celebrated in the Christian faith, while Jews celebrate Hanukkah. Christians and Jews do have some similarities, though. Both religions agree that there is one god and heaven. Both faiths also believe that there is a hell for the wicked and unjust.