What Are the Differences Between the 3M and Llumar Window Tints?
The main empirical differences between 3M and Llumar window tints are the materials each company uses. 3M features crystalline, ceramic, nano-carbon and metallic dyed film, whereas Llumar offers a polyester laminate and a ceramic tint.
Llumar’s window tint is a sheet of polyester laminate or ceramic that vehicle owners customize to their specifications and needs. The windows tints are scratch-resistant, have high optical clarity, selectively restrict the passage of radiance from the sun into the vehicle and reduce glare.
Degrees of Llumar window tints block a spectrum of the sun’s energy, from ultraviolet rays to solar infrared. One such tint is a soft charcoal color that matches factory-quality privacy glass.
Each of the window tints by 3M have their own set of features and benefits, with the main variations between tints occurring in the areas of degrees of glare reduction, degree of protection against solar infrared, incoming heat reduction and outside reflectivity.
3M Scotchshield prevents approximately 41 percent of heat from coming through car windows, blocks roughly 99 percent of ultraviolet rays, reduces glare up to about 94 percent and holds a car window together in the event that the glass is shattered. 3M black chrome automotive window films provide protection from ultraviolet rays that is the equivalent of SPF 1000.
3M color-stable automotive window films are examples of nano-carbon polyester technology. The appearance is similar to tinted factory glass that reduces glare up to about 50 percent and does not interfere with incoming signals.