What Is the Difference Between Megabytes and Gigabytes?
The difference between megabytes and gigabytes is the number of bytes that make up each unit and the amount of data they hold. A megabyte holds a million bytes, or about 1,000 kilobytes. A gigabyte holds about a billion bytes, or around 1,000 megabytes.
Both megabytes and gigabytes are used in everyday life. They are used to measure the size of songs, pictures and games to name just a few. If you have a cell phone or a computer then you probably see how many megabytes a games is when you download it or how many gigabytes a movie is when you buy it to download.
The base unit for measuring data is bytes, and with technology advancing constantly, its becoming more and more common to think in these measurements. When you buy a computer, you want one that has a hard drive with a high number of gigabytes so that it can store a large amount of information.
The gigabyte is one of the largest everyday data measurement that we see. Normally, measurements are rounded off. A megabyte is said to be about a thousand kilobytes, but to be more accurate, it is 1,024 kilobytes, and a gigabyte is officially 1,024 megabytes.