Why Did Lisa Robertson Leave QVC?
Lisa Robertson left QVC primarily due to multiple stalkers — as many as four — that made her feel afraid and unsafe. Additionally, after 20 years on the air, she felt it was time for a change and was ready to move on to something else. Lisa is not retired, but she is taking a break.
When speaking of her tenure at QVC, Lisa admits that she should have been more educated and proactive about what it meant to have stalkers and how to handle the situation, and that it put her life into turmoil for many years. Lisa had become reclusive, rarely leaving her house except to work.
Lisa Robertson does have other interests outside of QVC. She has her own clothing line and, since leaving QVC, has been spending a lot of time with boyfriend Eric McGee, a personal trainer whose gym is located in the same town in Pennsylvania as QVC headquarters. There is much speculation and criticism about the relationship with Eric, however. He is only 38, while she is 49, and there is some discussion about Lisa breaking up his previous marriage because Eric had an affair with Lisa while still involved with his ex. Eric has two children from the previous marriage.