What Is a DHCP Host Name?

A DHCP host name is an abbreviation for dynamic host configuration protocol, which is a standardized networking protocol used primarily for assigning dynamic IP addresses. It works through a network device rather than a network administrator, which makes administering a network easier by keeping track of IP addresses.

Computers use the DHCP to request Internet Protocol parameters, including the IP address, from the network server. Most computers use DHCP, whether they are part of a home network, regional service provider or large corporate and campus systems. Home network routers work by receiving their own unique IP address within a larger provider’s network. More extensive networks have numerous links, with DHCP relay agents on interconnecting routers allowing the single DHCP server to operate. The agents relay information between DHCP clients and the DHCP servers on separate but interconnected subnets.

Any given DHCP server uses one of three commonly methods of allocating IP addresses. In what is known as dynamic allocation, a network administrator reserves a collection of IP addresses, then allocates each one to its clients. Automatic allocation is a permanent assignment of an IP address to a requesting client. Static allocation, also known as fixed-address, is the third option, in which the DHCP server allocates an IP address based on a pre-configured mapping.