What Are Some Devotions for Women’s Groups?

Some devotions for women’s groups include “Making Plans” and “A Beautiful Woman in Christ.” Another women’s group devotional that talks about Christian love and patience is “Loving Those Who Drive Us Crazy” by Jill Briscoe.

“Making Plans” is a women’s devotional that encourages each woman to plan for herself and for her family. The devotional begins by quoting the Bible verse Proverbs 14:22. The verse says that a person who plans for good things in her life finds love and faithfulness. The devotional goes on to say that God creates a plan for the life of each person and he sets an example of careful planning.

Likewise, a person realizes positive things when she carefully plans family outings or plans a path for a career change. The devotional includes a prayer to ask God to encourage the reader to plan for her future. The devotional also offers suggested scripture readings for the week.

Similarly, another devotional for a women’s group is “A Beautiful Woman in Christ” because the devotional is an object lesson that focuses on how to become beautiful from God’s perspective. The devotional uses different types of makeup to illustrate the ways to live a Christian life. For example, cleanser purifies the skin but a Christian wants to cleanse herself of sin. In addition, make up often begins with foundation and it is equally important to have a good foundation in life by reading the Bible.

“Loving Those Who Drive Us Crazy” talks about Paul’s writings. Paul writes that love is both patient and kind. The devotional says that the Bible instructs Christians to act with kindness even in frustrating situations. Showing kindness can even lead others to follow Christ. The devotional ends by saying that love works in daily life.