What Are the Dangers of Inhaling Pinesol?

The dangers of inhaling Pine Sol include a variety of respiratory symptoms such as irritation of the mucus membranes and aspiration pneumonia. Central nervous system depression is another potential side effect, although it is more common with ingestion, according to the National Institute of Health.

The active ingredient in Pine Sol is pine oil at 20 percent concentration. In cases where inhaling the pine oil leads to unconsciousness, it is important to begin artificial respiration, beginning with CPR and moving on to use a demand valve resuscitator, pocket mask or bag-valve-mask device, depending on availability and training, as stated by the National Institutes of Health.

If the patient loses consciousness or the ability to breathe, nasotracheal intubation allows for control of the airway. Suctioning the airway may be necessary if inhalation and ingestion have taken place at the same time. Medical professionals monitor the heart rate and cardiac rhythm in cases of hospitalization or emergency medical care after pine oil inhalation. Even if the patient has ingested some Pine Sol in addition to inhaling it, it is not recommended to make the patient vomit. Keeping the patient quiet and ensuring that body temperature remains as close to normal as possible are among the most important first steps in medical treatment, notes the National Institutes of Health.