How Do You Create and Print Large Numbers?

You can create and print large numbers with a word processor such as Microsoft Word by typing the numbers into a document, then changing the font size of the numbers and printing the document. It is also possible to customize the font type and color of the numbers.

To increase the size of numbers in a Microsoft Word document, select the numbers, then select a font size from the drop-down menu above the Font heading on the Home tab. The largest size available on the menu is 72, but you can enter a larger font size. For example, entering “600” as the font size results in numbers that take up nearly an entire 8.5-by-11-inch sheet of paper. It is also possible to change the size of numbers by selecting them and then clicking the buttons to the right of the font size drop-down menu.

To change the color of the numbers, select them and then click the arrow next to the Font Color button, which has the letter “A” with a red line beneath it. Select a color from the options that appear.

To print the numbers, click File near the top right corner of the screen, then click Print. Adjust the printer settings as needed, then click the Print button.