Why Do I Crave Fruit?

The most common reason for craving fruit stems from hormonal changes during pregnancy, which cause the body to make a shift in its usual diet. Scientists have also proposed that cravings are the body telling a person what it needs, according to the Food Bank for New York City.

Scientists have proposed that these shifts, as there can be many variations of cravings, are an attempt by the body to gain requisite vitamins and an effort to obtain more calories, explains Susan Brody for Parents magazine.

Fruits are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Potassium aids healthy blood pressure, vitamin C is essential for growth and recovery, folic acid is important for red blood cell production, and the fiber in fruit is helpful for healthy digestion. These nutritional qualities are a great benefit to a woman during pregnancy and for the unborn child. Women of advancing age are advised to supplement their folic acid intake, notes the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s ChooseMyPlate.gov website.

With the health benefits available from eating fruit, it is not only pregnant people who feel cravings for fruit; a mineral or vitamin deficiency may provoke the body to induce cravings for foodstuffs that contain the necessary nutrients. Fruit is a healthy craving, according to best-selling author Tamara Star for Daily Transformations.