What Could Cause Groin Pain in Women?

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According to Caring Medical and Rehabilitation Services, groin pain in women can be caused by several factors that include injury, ovarian cysts, urinary tract infections, yeast infections and arthritis. Treatment for groin pain depends on the underlying cause, and additional testing such as urinalysis, blood tests and x-rays may be required.

Healthgrades explains that groin pain in women typically indicates a blunt injury to the groin area, pulled inner thigh muscles or underlying medical conditions such as sexually transmitted infections or diseases of the female reproductive system. Groin pain can also signify hip, kidney, colon or bladder conditions.

Healthline explains that female groin pain can also indicate the presence of a femoral hernia, a condition that causes a small portion of the intestines to move through the femoral wall. The femoral wall is located in the groin and contains veins, nerves and the femoral artery. Femoral hernias can occur for a variety of reasons that include childbirth, straining while constipated and obesity. Symptoms include protrusions located near the upper thigh and hip pain. Strangulation of the intestines is a severe complication of the condition that can lead to tissue death if left untreated. Symptoms of intestinal strangulation include nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.