How Do You Contact the Texas State Comptroller?
The Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts can be contacted through phone calls to the Comptroller’s office at 800-252-5555, by visiting field offices or the Comptroller’s office, or through the mail. Other numbers to contact the Texas State Comptroller’s office include 512-463-4600 and fax number 512-463-4902.
The address of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is the Lyndon B. Johnson State Office Building, 111 East 17th Street, Austin, Texas, 78774. The mailing address is Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, P.O. Box 13528, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711-3528. Office hours for departments are listed on the government Web page.
As of October 2015, the current Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts is Glenn Hegar. The Comptroller’s website at provides information about Texas taxes, education, finances, the economy and state purchasing. Government forms and electronic services are also available on the department’s website, which lets Texas residents file, report and pay taxes through the Web file system. Also available on the home page are tax forms, updates regarding the Texas State Comptroller’s office and a tutorial on how to use the WebFile system. Popular topics pertaining to the Comptroller’s office include sales tax, franchise tax, property tax, revenue watch and Texas transparency.