What Are the Component Parts of a Concrete Mixer?
The standard parts of a concrete mixer are a revolving drum, a stand, a blade, a pouring chute and a turning mechanism. Depending on the model, the mixer may include a motor and wheels.
Cement mixers come in a variety of sizes, from basic portable models to complicated mixing trucks. Each model features a large drum that holds the raw cement materials. The interior may feature one or more blades that help mix the water and dry materials as the drum rotates.
In a small home mixer, the rotation mechanism is often made with a simple gear and handle. As the handle turns, it rotates the gear and drum. Larger commercial models may use a motor instead of a manual system to handle the heavier weight and ensure steady mixing. Cement-mixing trucks involve complex, heavy-duty turning mechanisms.
Every cement mixer requires a frame that supports the weight of the full drum. Frames are usually made from steel or iron. The frame holds the drum at an angle and allows enough space for full rotation. Portable mixers often feature large wheels and handles. Each mixer also features a pouring spout that directs the flow of mixed cement into a secondary container or a prepared pad site.