How Do You Get Clipper Magazine for Coupons?
As of 2015, customers can get Clipper Magazine for coupons by contacting Clipper Magazine online to request print delivery, viewing online coupons on its Local Flavor website or downloading the My Clipper mobile application, depending on the preferences of the customer. Clipper Magazine provides coupons for local businesses and direct mail advertising services.
To request a print copy of Clipper Magazine, follow the steps below.
- Go to the company website
- Complete the form
- Submit the form
Go to the official website for Clipper Magazine and click on “Contact us” at the bottom right of the screen.
Complete the comments form to request a copy of Clipper Magazine.
Click “Send” to submit the form. A representative from Clipper Magazine will respond as needed.
Customers can also view and print coupons and discounts on Clipper Magazine’s online site, Local Flavor. To view coupons online, go the Local Flavor website and enter the city and state or ZIP code. Choose a category to filter the coupon list.
Clipper Magazine also offers several mobile apps, such as My Clipper and Local Flavor. To download the Clipper Magazine apps for iPhone, go to iTunes and search for the app. Click on the download button to download the app to a phone.