What Is ClimaCool?

ClimaCool is an Adidas technology used in the company’s shoes and clothes, and is designed to provide athletes with ventilation and moisture control. The addition of ClimaCool to athletic shoes allows for breathability around the foot.

ClimaCool is a unique technology that provides all-around ventilation in shoes, shirts, pants, sports bras, shorts, and other Adidas products. ClimaCool uses engineered materials to wick away moisture, allow the fabric to breath, and to adjust to body temperature.

The technology was created using a thermal image of an active tennis player. The image showed Adidas the spots that athletes sweat most frequently. After the engineered ClimaCool material was created, designers strategically placed mesh sweat pouches in those locations to facilitate the movement of sweat from the body and into the garment. This is known as micro-ventilation, and is the selling point of all ClimaCool products produced by Adidas.

The first ClimaCool garment was a tennis polo shirt. After the success of the technology with professional tennis players, Adidas began using the technology in nearly all its products.

Since the release of ClimaCool, Adidas used the technology to create ClimaWarm, a technology that is designed to harness the heat instead of getting rid of it.