How Do You Clean a Lambswool Duster?

Cleaning a lambswool duster is done by vacuuming the duster and then washing it with a mild soap cleanser. After cleaning, the duster must be refluffed to return it to its original shape so that it can be used again.

  1. Vacuum the duster

    Remove loose dust from the lambswool by vacuuming it using a narrow vacuum cleaner attachment. Run the attachment along the duster body, working from the base to the tip and around the surface of the lambswool until the entire surface has been vacuumed.

  2. Wash the duster

    Rinse off the duster using clean water to help remove any dust mixed by the vacuum. Wash the duster with a mix of water and mild liquid soap, using just enough soap to cause suds to form. Rinse the duster a second time using a mix of 1 gallon water with 1 tablespoon of glycerine to restore any oils lost during the washing process.

  3. Dry the duster

    Air dry the duster by hanging it vertically or laying it onto a flat surface. Once the duster dries, hold the handle between both palms of the hands. Finally, spin the lambswool duster around in circles to restore the natural shape of the lambswool.