How Do You Change the Belt on a Woods Mower?

Consult the owner’s manual for your model of Woods mower, and follow the instructions on how to change the belt. On the manufacturer’s website, you can find and download the manual for your particular model in case you have misplaced your copy.

  1. Identify the style and model of your Woods mower

    Examine your mower carefully for a style name and model number. If you can, find the serial number in case additional help is necessary.

  2. Find the owner’s manual

    If you still have the owner’s manual that came with your machine, then refer to it. If you have misplaced the manual, download a copy for your particular model on their official website. It can be printed or read on your computer screen. Read through the instructions.

  3. Identify the necessary part

    Find the exact part number of the belt you will replace. Additionally, look at the parts that surround the belt since some of them might also need replacing. If that is the case, get their part numbers as well. While looking at the manual, identify which tools will be necessary for replacing the belt in case you need to buy them first.

  4. Purchase the necessary part or parts

    Consult the store where you purchased the mower since distributors often also sell parts. If this does not work, call the manufacturer and order the correct part. Purchasing genuine parts ensures correct installation.

  5. Follow the instructions in the manual

    Read the instructions carefully again and follow them exactly, including any safety equipment suggested. This ensures that your Woods mower will work properly once the belt is replaced. This also reduces the risk of injury during the replacement process.