How Do You Change Your Avatar on ClassDojo?

To change an avatar on ClassDojo, a student or teacher must first be a member and be logged in to his account. If accessing ClassDojo from the web, he must then click on Customize Monster and edit his avatar. When finished, the student or teacher clicks Save. If accessing ClassDojo from iOS or Android, the student or teacher should go to the picture of the monster on the reports page, make edits, and then check the blue check mark.

Teachers can also edit their students’ preset avatars by going to the homepage and opening the class for which they wish to change avatars, and then clicking Edit Class. Next, they go to the student avatar images they wish to alter, click on them, and, in the pop-up window, click on the avatars they want to use. When done, they must click Save.

If teachers prefer to use their own images to represent students, they can do that as well. First, they need to open the class for which they want to upload images and select Edit Class. Next, they go into the Students menu and select the avatar images they wish to change. Then, they choose + Create Set, name their set and click Save. After that, teachers go into the Upload Monster option and drag or upload their images into the pop-up window. Once done, teachers can use these images to assign as student avatars.