What Is the Central Theme of the 23rd Psalm?

The central theme of the 23rd Psalm is the everlasting protection and guidance of the Lord. It is meant to bring comfort to believers, knowing that the Lord provides forgiveness, abundance and renewal, according to the Restored Church of God.

Psalm 23 begins with “the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want,” reportedly uttered by King David. This phrase likens Human beings to sheep without a shepherd, easily lost to sin without the guidance of the Lord. Following this passage, references to “still waters” and “green pastures” are bounties bestowed to believers. In the next passage, “He restores my soul” refers to the ability of the Lord to forgive sin on the part of man and to lead him on a righteous path, according to the Restored Church of God.

The passage about not fearing the “valley of the shadow of death” is a declaration of King David’s faith in the Lord, even in times of great peril. David purports that even in the presence of enemies, he knows that the Lord is watching over and protecting him. The final passage containing “my cup runs over” refers to the importance of blessings and rites, according to the Restored Church of God.