Where Can You Find Free Telephone Poles?

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Utility companies are the best source for obtaining free telephone poles or, at least, picking up a large number of poles at a low price. Used Poles says that utility companies routinely replace used poles and either send them to a recycler or sell them wholesale. A comprehensive list of electric utility companies is featured on the Best Energy News website for contacting the companies.

According to the Ace Trading Post of San Antonio, Texas, used telephone poles can be utilized for a large variety of constructions, including fence posts, fences, pole barns, beam replacements, sign poles, retaining walls, sign poles, piers, docks, livestock fencing, corral holding pens, horse stalls and sea walls.

The utility pole supplier says that the benefits of recycling and reusing telephone poles include reducing building costs as well as the carbon footprint on the planet. Ace Trading Post sells used poles up to 25 feet long from $2 to $5 per foot. Longer poles are sold at $5 plus per foot.

According to the company, poles used for pole barns are generally sold at $4 per foot, while poles for fence posts average $3 per foot. Older, bleached-out poles are typically only recommended for hardscaping or landscaping projects. The company adds that telephone poles can be custom cut into building lumber as well.

Based in Bloomington, Ind., National Salvage and Service Corporation is another wholesaler of telephone poles. The company recycles approximately 96 percent of the wood waste and poles for Duke Energy.