Where Can You Purchase Portfolio Lighting Parts?
Portfolio lighting replacement parts can be purchased online through Lowes.com or in person at a local Lowe’s hardware store. As of June 2015, Lowes.com carries 57 different replacement parts for Portfolio brand lamps including couplings, diffusers, finials and harps.
The replacement parts sold via Lowes.com range in price from $1.98 for a two-pack of polished brass Portfolio lamp couplings to $15.98 for a replacement bronze lamp power code.
The most highly rated parts sold by Lowes.com are the white and black lamp power cord, the polished brass lamp sockets, and the aged brass lamp canopy kit. Lowes.com also provides a store locator and in-stock search feature so that customers can check to see if a local Lowe’s hardware store has the desired Portfolio replacement parts.