How Can You Make an Appointment Using Quest Diagnostics?
Make an appointment with Quest Diagnostics by visiting its official website,, and clicking on the Make an Appointment link at the top of the page. Enter the city, state and ZIP code of the desired location and the reason for the test, and select a test date and time.
Quest Diagnostics’ website offers visitors the ability to choose the location best suited to them on an interactive map. To see the map, tick the box located next to See Locations on Map beneath the City field in the Location box after providing location information. Scroll in and out on the map while hovering the pointer over it and using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Options in the Reasons for Testing drop-down box include Routine Lab Test, Glucose Tolerance Test, Pediatric Draw Specialty, Semen Analysis and Drug Screen. This box tells Quest Diagnostics what is necessary to prepare for a patient’s visit and allows the company to allot the appropriate amount of time for the appointment.
Select the date from the Date / Time box by entering the date manually in MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking the calendar icon next to it. Choose a time for the visit from the drop-down menu. Click Find to schedule the appointment if the time desired is available.