Where Can You Find a List of TV Remote Codes?
Lists of TV remote control codes are available at JumboRemoteControl.com, DirectTV.com and Eliztech.com, as of 2015. Additional sources for remote control codes include CodesForUniversalRemotes.com and FindTheData.com.
JumboRemoteControl.com has three-digit remote programming codes for a variety of TV manufacturers, including Audiovox, Bell and Howell, Emerson and LG. DirectTV.com offers a remote control code look-up tool that allows users to search for codes by brand and model.
Eliztech.com lists TV manufacturers and three- and four-digit codes for GE universal remote controls. Eliztech.com also lists universal remote codes for DVDs, VCRs, satellites and cable boxes. CodesForUniversalRemotes.com provides three and four digit codes for TV brands such as Fisher, Jensen, Philips and Sylvania.