How Can I Earn More AR Points?

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Accelerated Reader (AR) points are awarded based on performance on the AR quizzes and the level of the book read, says It’s possible to earn more AR points by reading more books, reading more difficult or lengthy books and performing well on AR quizzes.

In the AR program, there is a quiz following each book read; the quizzes focus on levels of understanding. The number of points possible for each quiz depends on the level of the book. If the score is below 60 percent on an AR quiz, it’s regarded as a fail and no points are allocated, according to A score between 60 percent and 99 percent is awarded with partial points. If the score is 100 percent, the most points possible for that particular book are awarded.

Keep track of AR points at home or at school via the AR computer program or through the iPad app. The Basilica School in Florida offers tips for helping parents who want to help their child earn more AR points. These include encouraging reading at home, praising good quiz scores, asking the child about the book he or she is reading and making sure he or she is reading books at the appropriate level. Plew Elementary in Florida suggests helping the child make book choices and, if allowed, supervising the child during AR quizzes at school.