How Can You View Your DPSS Benefits for L.A. County?

View your Department of Public Social Services benefits for Los Angeles County by enrolling in the Your Benefits Now Web portal. You can enroll directly through the website of the Los Angeles County DPSS.

The Your Benefits Now Web portal is a website for Los Angeles County residents that allows them to apply for and view their benefits securely online. If residents already have a case ID and six-digit customer personal identification number, they can apply for benefits or view their cases without the need to register for a new account. Those that need to register should create a User ID and password, answer some security questions, and advise as to whether they already have a pending case with the DPSS.

Residents can also use the website to determine if they are eligible to receive benefits. Benefits available to Los Angeles County residents include cash assistance, food and nutrition assistance, health care assistance and job programs. DPSS can also help residents apply for health care insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Residents can also search the DPSS website to learn about or apply for services designed for the elderly and disabled, services for children, immigrant programs and programs set up to help veterans and members of the U.S. military.