Which Browsers Support HTML5?
As of October 2014, browsers that support some aspects of HTML5 include versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Android Browser and iOS Safari. Different browsers support various elements of HTML5, such as hidden attribute, autofocus attribute, SVG favicons, PNG favicons and Web cryptography. The website HTML5Test.com delineates how a current Web browser supports HTML5 by noting an overall score out of 555 possible points.
For example, CanIUse.com explains that PNG favicons are supported by 76.59 percent of global Web browsers, as of October 2014. These icons visually identify a Web page or website on a browser’s screen. CanIUse.com shows 34 elements of HTML5 programming supported by nine different browsers. Chrome, Opera and Firefox each support more than 80 percent of HTML5 programming.
Users compare several versions of the same Web browser to check HTML5 compatibility on CanIUse.com. The website shows dozens of versions of Chrome, Firefox and Opera along with 10 versions of Safari and seven versions of Internet Explorer. For example, users can compare Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome version 38 and Safari 7.
HTML5 is the fifth major revision of the core programming language of the Web. Major features of this revision include help for app creators, improved interoperability and new elements based on prevailing practices. Specifications outlining the revision were made in mid-Sept. 2014, and users commented on the document until Oct. 14, 2014.