Is It Better to Rinse Dishes in Hot or Cold Water?

It is better to rinse dishes in hot water instead of cold, because hot water has more cleaning power. Hot water also makes for quicker dish washing and eliminates the need for a large amount of dish washing liquid.

Bacteria and micro organisms build up on dirty dishes, and hot water is the best way to kill them. Without a double sink, a dishpan should be used to rinse the dishes. If the temperature of the dishwater is less than 90 degrees Fahrenheit, a greasy film may coat drying dishes, leaving the dishes not fully cleaned.

To keep hands safe when washing and rinsing dishes in hot water, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves. To avoid collecting new bacteria, sponges, scrubbers and scrapers should never sit in dishwater. Dishcloths should be laundered to ward against germs and odors.

Cold water does not dry as quickly on dishes, and when it is used, dishes need to be dried by hand. As dish towels become damp, they become infested with more bacteria, which dirties the dishes again. The use of hot water allows the dishes to air-dry naturally. A dish rack lets the excess water drain away, leaving no spots or streaks on the dried dishes.