What Ashton Drake Dolls Have Been Discontinued?
Ashton Drake dolls that have been discontinued include Cool as a Cucumber and Baby Raven Wing. Other Ashton Drake dolls that have been discontinued are Peek-a-Boo Peter and Are You Kidding Me? A number of Ashton Drake dolls have been retired since the company first started producing them in 1985.
Cool as a Cucumber is one of the most popular retired Ashton Drake dolls as of 2015. This Caucasian baby boy doll with realistic features and auburn hair was designed by doll artist Titus Tomescu. The doll comes with green-rimmed sunglasses, green striped swimming trunks with a white drawstring, and a beach towel featuring the image of a cartoon cucumber, also wearing sunglasses and giving a thumbs-up sign. On the towel in green lettering above and below the central image is the phrase “cool as a cucumber.”
Baby Raven Wing is another popular retired Ashton Drake doll. This is a Native American female baby doll that was released as part of the So Truly Real vinyl baby doll collection and created by artist Sandy Faber for her Raven Wing’s Spirit World Collection. Baby Raven Wing comes with a faux suede outfit embroidered with a Native American raven symbol, which is said to be the doll’s spirit guide, and matching moccasins. The doll also has realistic Real Touch vinyl skin on its forearms, head and legs, as well as hand-applied hair and eyelashes.