Why Is Architecture Important to Society?

On a basic level, architecture is important to society because it provides the physical environment in which we live. At a deeper level, architecture provides an expression of human civilization at a fixed point in time, which endures as a monument for study by future generations.

Architecture is an expression of the true strength of a society because the things humans value most are those that are irrevocable, according to G. K. Chesterton. Unlike other forms of art, architecture lies in full view and is difficult to get rid of. Architecture is a relatively permanent expression of how society as a whole sees itself and how it views the environment, and it can serve as a time capsule of human history and human thought. It is a powerful reflection of human culture.

Architecture is part art and part science. As an art, it provides an outlet for creative expression that leads society to look at their living space and the overall environment in different ways. At the same time, architecture responds to society’s functional needs while making use of modern technology in building design.

The global population is not only growing but is also urbanizing at a rapid rate. As this trend accelerates, the role of architecture in the design of sustainable living space will become critical.