What Are the After Effects of Lipoma Removal?

Scarring and bruising may occur as after effects of lipoma removal, and the patient has to be careful not to disturb the sutures for about 1 week. Most lipomas do not return after lipoma removal surgery, Mayo Clinic says.
Lipomas are abnormal growths of fat cells under the skin, especially on the torso, thighs and armpits. Most people experiencing lipoma growth have a genetic predisposition to them, but minor injuries might also cause them to form, WebMD says. Most lipomas are small and do not cause pain, so doctors do not remove them until they become bothersome. Once they do become painful, however, doctors can remove them via excision or liposuction, Mayo Clinic says.
Medical practitioners remove lipomas by cutting them out of the skin. The removal procedure often does not involve general anesthesia. A minimal excision extraction reduces the possibility of scarring after the lipoma removal, which can be an after effect of the procedure, Mayo Clinic says. After the removal, doctors stitch up the site with sutures. Doctors remove the sutures anywhere from 7 to 21 days after the excision, says the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Patients should follow a doctor’s instructions regarding cleaning the wound regularly until the removal of the sutures, AAFP recommends.