What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Wood in Construction?
Some advantages of using wood in construction are heat resistance and sound absorption, while disadvantages include it being a combustible material that’s subject to biological deterioration. Wood is commonly used in construction due to its long-term durability. Unlike other materials, it is possible to build a structure entirely out of wood. When using wood in construction, however, it is important to know the specific properties of each type of wood.
One advantage of using wood in construction is that it does not expand in hot climates. Extra warmth dries wood out and strengthens it. Also, as wood is a relatively light material, it prevents echoes and other noises by absorbing sound rather than isolating it. Sound velocity is faster in wood than in a gas or liquid.
On the other hand, wood is highly combustible because it is made from organic compounds, such as carbon and hydrogen. When combined with oxygen and a temperature between 250 and 270 degrees Celsius, wood can start to burn even without a flame. Additionally, wood is of nutritional value for some plants and animals. Insects can create holes through wood, while fungi can cause wood to decay. Coating can be used for wood both outdoors and indoors to protect the wood from biological deterioration and moisture.