What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Planning?

The World Health Organization explains that the main advantage of family planning is that women and couples can avoid unwanted pregnancies, while the National Health Service warns that traditional family planning does not prevent against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. WHO advocates that with family planning, a woman can space out her pregnancies and limit her family size using different methods of contraceptives.
Moreover, family planning reduces unsafe abortions and infant mortality rates. WHO explains that family planning provides a variety of modern and traditional contraceptive options to reduce the risk of disease. Family planning prevents teenage pregnancy, provides positive sexual education and slows the population growth in developing countries. Natural family planning is advantageous for couples in developing countries who can abstain from sexual intercourse during a women’s fertile window. With correct and consistent use, fertility tracking combined with abstinence prevents pregnancy 95 percent of the time.
NHS argues that traditional family planning methods such as withdrawal or fertility tracking are unreliable. Approximately one in four women gets pregnant using natural family planning methods. Family planning is disadvantageous because it may be difficult for couples to come to an agreement on the appropriate family planning method. This may lead to distrust and an abandonment of the family planning method.