What Are the Advantages of a Computerized Database?
Computer databases can store a large amount of information at a small cost. They can also retrieve information quickly. Computer programs can access information stored in databases to create analytical data in a short period of time.
The advantages of computer databases were clear since the invention of the first computers. Early military research into computers focused on using them to store and analyze data efficiently and quickly, and their ability to calculate ballistic trajectories proved to be advantageous. Once World War II ended, many started looking into the advantages of using databases for economic and scientific purposes.
Almost all modern customer information is stored in databases. As a result, customer service representatives can access information almost instantly, allowing them to provide quick support over the phone. Support can also be automated, allowing companies to create effective online interfaces. Online banking, in particular, has become popular. Companies can also use these databases to discover trends about their customers and learn how to target and serve customers more effectively.
Some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers calculate weather information and compile information about global trends. The amount of information they process far exceeds what humans could possibly accomplish, and their insights provide otherwise unattainable knowledge about local and global weather trends.