What Is Adobe PageMaker Used For?
Adobe PageMaker is a software program used to create brochures, flyers, newsletters, reports and a variety of other professional-quality documents used for business or educational purposes. The program makes it easy for users to format documents, adjust their layouts and alter various design details, such as graphics and fonts, prior to printing and distributing the document.
With Adobe PageMaker, users can view entire pages of reports, booklets, pamphlets and publications from a standard-sized computer screen. The program is popular among printing professionals and graphic designers, but it is also designed for the average person who doesn’t have a lot of skills in the area of graphic design. Anyone who is either interested in desktop publishing or wants to learn how to create small booklets and pamphlets can use this program. The Adobe PageMaker website offers multiple, self-guided online courses and training manuals that guide interested parties in gaining a thorough understanding of how the program works.
Adobe PageMaker runs on both Macintosh and Windows computers, and it is recommended that the computer system being used to run the program have at least 200 megabytes of hard disk space available. PageMaker is designed to work together with other Adobe programs, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Acrobat.