What Are the Zebra’s Behavioral Adaptations?
The most important behavioral adaptation of zebras is concerning their herd behavior. Zebras are social animals that tend to stay together in large groups, such as a herd of almost 1,000 animals, as a way to protect themselves against predators. Within this massive herd, there are family groups that can consist of five to 20 animals.
The family groups are made up of a stallion, mares and their offspring. These groups of families tend to stay together for many years. Zebras look out for one another if there is a lost or sick member. Similarly, stallions will protect their mares and offspring against predators.
In family groups, there is a female hierarchy, where older females are more dominant than younger ones. This hierarchy is observed in family groups while they are migrating.
There are several different species of zebras, including Grevy, plains and mountain zebras. The Grevy species is found more commonly in grassland areas. Zebras live in different areas of Africa.