What Do Ringneck Snakes Eat?
Ringneck snakes eat earthworms, skinks, snakes, salamanders, frogs, newts and slugs. They enjoy small rodents, such as voles, mice and shrews. Bugs such as ants, spiders, centipedes, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers are also a part of their diet. Most of the insects and vertebrates that they eat are relatively small.
The snake kills its prey mainly by constriction; however, it does have a mild venom that is delivered through channels located in the ringneck’s large back fangs. Ringnecks only reach between 10 and 18 inches when fully grown.
Ringnecks are usually grey, light brown or greenish-grey and are almost always a single color except for the golden or white ring that is located just behind their head. The underside of the snake is bright orange or red. The snake turns over and displays its orange belly as a warning signal when threatened. The snake may also release a foul-smelling liquid from glands located near its tail.
Ringneck snakes can live up to 20 years. They are mainly located in eastern and central North America, ranging from Nova Scotia and southern Quebec down to southern Mexico. Ringneck snakes breed once every year, usually around spring or fall. Female ringneck snakes lay anywhere from three to 10 eggs at a time. The female does not care for the eggs after they are laid.