How Do Peacocks Give Birth?

Peacocks do not give birth because they are the males of the species. It is the females, which are called peahens, who give birth by laying eggs.
Peacocks are polygamous birds. It’s common for one peacock to mate with four to five peahens at a time. When the mating season comes, each male separates from the group and wanders off with three or four hens.
As a competitive genetic trait, males strut their elaborately colored tails to attract and win over the peahens. There is scientific debate over the usefulness of the tail as a survival trait or an endowment strictly for the attraction of females. The weight and size of the tail makes mobility limited; evolutionary psychologists believe the tail is only for attraction and demonstrates the bird’s strength. According to their research, males who can produce such a colorful endowment and risk being seen by predators have the strength to mate and be top males.
Peahens lay eggs during their second to third years of life and are capable of releasing five to nine eggs each year. They prefer thick shrubs for nesting the chicks and can incubate or 28 to 30 days. Newborns usually stay with the mother for the first week, as they are extremely dependent and require bonding.