What Are Some Facts About June Bugs?

June bugs are dark brown to black beetles found in North America. They hide in trees by day and are most often seen in large swarms at night during the early summer. Captured June bugs are used to feed pet toads and lizards

The life of a June bug begins as a larva living underground, eating roots of grasses and many other plants. They feed at night on vegetation such as tree leaves and bushes. The four stages of development for the June bug are egg, larva, pupa and adult. The June bug’s eggs are laid under the ground and can remain there for as long as three years as larva before emerging. Once the June bug emerges, it is extremely attracted to light. The lifespan of a June bug is typically no more than four years. An adult June bug can grow to be approximately 1 inch long with a stout body style. June bugs get their name from the fact that they come out in large numbers most often during each June. The noise that a June bug makes at night is similar to the sound of a loud electrical current. When many of them make this noise at one time, it can be quite loud.