How Do Grasshoppers Mate?

Grasshoppers mate by engaging in sexual reproduction. During this reproductive process, the male grasshopper inserts a spermatophore, or a packet of sperm, into the female grasshopper’s vagina.

To reach the female’s eggs, the sperm must travel through tiny canals called micropyles. When the sperm reaches its destination, the eggs become fertilized. After fertilization, the female deposits her eggs into the ground. She completes this action using a set of prongs on her ovipositor act, which are located on the posterior of the body. This anatomical tool digs a few centimeters below the earth’s surface and deposits the eggs. The eggs then remain underground for at least ten months. During this period, the eggs remain dormant, or in a sleep stage, until they are ready to hatch in the summer time.

Before reproduction, grasshoppers use singing and pheromones to attract mates. Each grasshopper has a unique song that is created through an action called stridulation. Stridulation occurs when a grasshopper rubs their lower back legs on their forewings to create a clicking or chirping sound. Females sing much softer than the males. Some species of grasshoppers perform elaborate courtship routines using their colorful wings to attract the attention of the opposite sex.