Why Do Frogs Croak After It Rains?

Frogs may croak after rainfall because they become attracted to the wet atmosphere and use their croaks as mating calls. Because of this, frogs are very likely to mate during a rainy season.

When male frogs croak, they are either sending out a signal to search for possible mating partners or they are trying to protect their territory from other male frogs. Mating and territorial protection are more likely to happen after it rains because the ground tends to be wet making it a comfortable environment for frogs. They prefer wet, dark areas because they need moisture to keep their amphibian skin healthy. If put in a hot environment, in direct sunlight, a frog is much more likely to dry out.

When it rains, frogs can comfortably move about while still keeping their body temperature down because of all the moisture and wetness that is around. They may then try searching for mates or engaging with rival males. After a rainfall, frogs are also more likely to feed on their prey, which are other insects, including worms.

A male frog creates the croaking sound by forcing air through its larynx which enables tits vocal chords to vibrate, thus creating the sound. The pouches of skin that inflate, found on the bottom of its mouth, are referred to as vocal sacs and they amplify the sound.