How Do Camels Protect Themselves From Predators?

Camels protect themselves from predators by regurgitating their stomach contents mixed with saliva in a projectile fashion. This practice is commonly referred to as spitting. According to the San Diego Zoo, when camels spit, it is meant to startle and distract potential predators.

When a camel is about to regurgitate, its cheeks fill up and bulge out. A camel can spit up to 37 meters. The stomach contents also contain various gases, which create an extremely foul odor. When camels are startled or on alert, their ears thrust forward. The most common predator of the camel is the wolf. Wolves are known to attack camels at water holes. Wild camels are known to be gentle animals that only react when provoked.

Camels are social animals that tend to live in herds with one dominant male. They spend most of their day eating and sleep through the night. Camels eat short grass, thorns, salty plants and fish. Contrary to common belief, camels actually store fat as opposed to water in their humps and can go for several months without eating. They do, however consume large amounts of water. One camel can consume up to 32 gallons of water in a single drinking session.

Bactrian camels have two humps, and Arabian camels have one hump. Bactrian camels still inhabit the Central and Eastern Asian deserts, while Arabian camels are domesticated.